[AS] Problème de compilation

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Auteur: Yves Petronin via Applescript_fr
À: La liste AppleScript Francophone
CC: Yves Petronin
Sujet: [AS] Problème de compilation

J’essaie sous OSX 10.12.6 de réutiliser un script ancien pour normaliser les noms des contacts du carnet d’adresses, (script « optimisé" il y a fort longtemps grâce à l’aide avisée d'Yvan Koenig), et le script ne compile plus:

le problème semble lié à la ligne: tell application "Contacts" to set l to (name of every group)

qui retourne : « nom de classe prévu mais identificateur trouvé(s)

J’ai regardé le dictionnaire de l’application sans trouver d’explication, il existe bine un « group » doté d’un nom…
Quelle est le problème et surtout la solution ?


(* Script de conversion prénoms du carnet d'adressses en caractères minuscules, le premier caractère restant ou devenant majuscule.
* Les tirets dans les prénoms composés ne sont pas pris en compte et sont éliminés.
*Version: 0.9.3
* Compatibilité: Mac OS X. Le carnet d'adresses Apple doit être présent

* Auteur: Y Petronin avec code emprunté à Apple
* Fichier:
* Fichiers/Dossiers annexes:
* Libs:
* Osaxen:
* Outils Unix: non
* Apps:
* Description:
* * Utilisation: ...Lancer le script... *
* Historique: Aménagements variés:
* 0.9.8
* 2009-01-02 Version alpha *
* 2009-01-06 Added routine to handle composed names (containing an hyphen)
* 2009-01-07 Moved routine to handle composed names outside of main
* 2009-01-09 Added several routines to allow user to select groups in address book
*2013-05-19 Added option for lower or to upper characters for names
*2013-05-27 Major simplification with use of Python
*2019-04-28 Correction or routien filtering the german character sz

(* Product properties *)
property pMyName : "Conversion caractères prénoms carnet d'adresses" (* default name *)
property version : "0.9.3"

--User properties

property PGroupName : missing value (*Nom du groupe du carnet d'adresses à traiter*)
property pThePerson : missing value (*Nom du contact du carnet d'adresses*)
property pTheFormat : missing value (*Format des noms propres*)
property p2Contacts : missing value

on init()
    set pTheFormat to my GetFormat()
    set PGroupName to my GetGroups()
end init

on run
end run


on main()
    my UpdateNames(pThePerson, PGroupName, pTheFormat)

end main


on GetGroups()
    tell application "Contacts" to set l to (name of every group)
    if l is in {"", missing value} then
        return missing value
        set L1 to {"Tous"} & l -- items of l
        tell application (path to frontmost application as text) -- POUR METTRE LE CAIALOGUE AU PREMIER PLAN
            choose from list L1 with prompt " Ce script formate prénoms et noms des contacts du cahier d'adresses." & return & "Il est recommandé de sauvegarder au préalable votre carnet d'adresses." & return & "Veuillez choisir ci dessous  un ou plusieurs groupes de contacts à traiter ou tous les contacts: " cancel button name "ANNULER" OK button name "OK" without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed
        end tell
        if the result is false then
            delay 0.5
            error number -128
            return the result as text
        end if
    end if
end GetGroups

on GetFormat()
    set L1 to {"DUPONT", "Durand"}
    set dlg to choose from list L1 with prompt "Veuillez choisir le format des noms de famille" cancel button name "ANNULER" OK button name "OK" without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed
    set r to the result
    if the r as text is "Durand" then
        return "title"
    end if
    if the r as text is "DUPONT" then
        return "upper"
    end if
    if r is false then
        error number -128
    end if
end GetFormat

on UpdateNames(pThePerson, PGroupName, pTheFormat)
    if PGroupName is not in {missing value, "Tous"} then
        set g to "Cette opération peut prendre plusieurs minutes !"
        my dlgAlert(g)
        tell application "Contacts"
            repeat with pThePerson in people of group PGroupName
                set TheNom to the (first name of the pThePerson) as text
                tell pThePerson to set first name to my FormatName(TheNom, "title") as string
                set FamilyName to the (last name of the pThePerson) as text
                tell pThePerson to set its last name to my FormatName(FamilyName, pTheFormat)
            end repeat
        end tell
        set g to "Tous les contacts seront traités! Cette opération peut prendre plusieurs minutes !"
        my dlgAlert(g)
        tell application "Contacts"
            repeat with pThePerson in people
                set TheNom to the (first name of the pThePerson) as text
                tell pThePerson to set first name to my FormatName(TheNom, "title") as string
                set FamilyName to the last name of the pThePerson as text
                tell pThePerson to set its last name to my FormatName(FamilyName, pTheFormat)
            end repeat
        end tell
    end if
end UpdateNames

on dlgAlert(g)
    set bs to {"ANNULER", "CONTINUER"}
    display dialog g buttons bs default button 2 with icon 1 giving up after 8
    set {b, u} to {button returned, gave up} of result
    if u then set b to bs's item 1
    if b is bs's item 1 then error number -128 (* ¡localization! *)
end dlgAlert

on FormatName(TheNom, pTheFormat) (*Retourne le texte en ajoutant une  majuscule initiale  à chaque mot du texte  et convertit les autres caractères en minuscules le cas échéant*)
        if TheNom is in {"", "msng", "missing value"} then
            return ""
            set NewName to my changecase(TheNom, pTheFormat)
            --if pTheFormat is "upper" then
            --    set NewName to my ChangeAccentedCapitals(NewName)
            --end if
        end if
        return NewName
    on error
        return ""
    end try
end FormatName

on changecase(txt, mode) --Le second argument peut être: "upper", "lower", "title", "capitalize"
    set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
        set toReplace to {"ß", "É", "È", "Ë", "Ê", "Ç"}
        set replaceBy to {"SS", "E", "E", "E", "E", "C"}
        repeat with i from 1 to count items of toReplace
            set beforeChar to item i of toReplace
            if mode is "upper" and txt contains beforeChar then
                -- log "before process" & space & txt
                set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to beforeChar
                set l to text items of txt
                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to item i of replaceBy
                set txt to "" & l
                set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
                --log "after process" & space &  txt
            end if
        end repeat
    on error
        set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    end try

    set python_cmd to "import sys; print sys.argv[1].decode('utf8')." & mode & "().encode('utf8')"
    return do shell script "/usr/bin/python -c " & quoted form of python_cmd & " " & quoted form of txt
end changecase

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