Re: [AS] Changer le label du fichier (tag de couleur)

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Auteur: Stephane Debron via Applescript_fr
À: La liste AppleScript Francophone
CC: Stephane Debron
Sujet: Re: [AS] Changer le label du fichier (tag de couleur)

Hum. Énervant, ces transformations inopinées du texte. Je réessaye en html

AppleScript :

set myscriptpython to "'/Volumes/macintosh_hd/'"

set zecolor to choose from list {"none", "gray", "green", "purple", "blue",
"yellow", "red", "orange"} with prompt "Choisir une couleur"

tell application "Finder" to set filestotag to the selection as alias list
-- ou droplet...

repeat with f in filestotag

set f to quoted form of POSIX path of f

do shell script "python " & myscriptpython & space & f & space & zecolor

end repeat

python à enregistrer dans un fichier .py :

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys



from xattr import xattr

def set_label(filename, color_name):

    colors = ['none', 'gray', 'green', 'purple', 'blue', 'yellow', 'red',

    key = u''

    attrs = xattr(filename)

    current = attrs.copy().get(key, chr(0)*32)

    changed = current[:9] + chr(colors.index(color_name)*2) + current[10:]

    attrs.set(key, changed)

set_label(myfilepath, mycolor

Subject: Re: [AS] Changer le label du fichier (tag de couleur)

> Au final, en demandant gentiment au shell de demander à python de tagger
> au bon endroit :
> € AppleScript :
> set myscriptpython to "'/Volumes/macintosh_hd/'" # le
> chemin du script ci-dessous
> set zecolor to choose from list {"none", "gray", "green", "purple",
> "blue", "yellow", "red", "orange"} with prompt "Choisir une couleur"
> tell application "Finder" to set filestotag to the selection as alias list
> -- ou droplet...
> repeat with f in filestotag do shell script "python " & myscriptpython &
> space & quoted form of POSIX path of f & space & zecolor
> end repeat
> € Python (texte à enregistrer :
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import sys
> myfilepath=sys.argv[1]
> mycolor=sys.argv[2]
> from xattr import xattr
> def set_label(filename, color_name):
>     colors = ['none', 'gray', 'green', 'purple', 'blue', 'yellow', 'red',
> 'orange']
>     key = u''
>     attrs = xattr(filename)
>     current = attrs.copy().get(key, chr(0)*32)
>     changed = current[:9] + chr(colors.index(color_name)*2) + current[10:]
>     attrs.set(key, changed)

> set_label(myfilepath, mycolor)
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